Saturday, February 26, 2011

Argentina: La Plata, etc.

A few days ago we went to La Plata, the capital of the providence of Buenos Aires (a city outside of the city of Buenos Aires, which is notably much smaller).  In the city there was this beautiful cathedral.  We also got to take an elevator up to the top of one of the towers and check out the view of the city.   

While in La Plata, we also went to the Natural History Museum with Jorge.  We continue to go in and out of Buenos Aires to check stuff out.  Sebastian took us to the Museum of Modern Art and a gallery where local artists show their stuff.  We also stopped in to check out this awesome book store.  It is located inside of an old opera house.  They basically kept everything the same minus the seating, of course.  But it had this beautifully painted ceiling and the luxury boxes to the sides.  Pretty awesome.  Two days ago was Santiago's birthday, so we all went out to dinner.  We went to this awesome restaurant in the neighboring suburb.  It used to be a house, but was remodeled into a restaurant.  It was a smaller restaurant and had that kind of "home cooked" feel.  As we started our dessert a band came in and played Argentinian folk music, which I really enjoyed.  I told the singer that it was Santiago's birthday and the whole restaurant sang him Happy Birthday.  Santiago was not pleased. haha.  We went into the city last night for a midnight screening of "The Fly".  Sebastian and I weren't as into it as Jonathan, but it was definitely still fun.  We went out for a few drinks afterward at an Expat bar (I haven't heard so much English in one room in so long!).  Lastly, a few nights ago Sebastian built a ping pong table in the backyard and the boys all played together (I hate ping pong.  I refused to play).