Thursday, March 3, 2011

Argentina: Tigre and Gaucho Fiesta

Earlier this week Jorge arranged with a friend, who has a boat, for us to go on a little boat tour of Tigre.  Tigre is a town situated on the Parana Delta, where several large South American rivers come together at the Ocean.  The delta creates a really cool network of islands to cruise around in a boat.  We spent the afternoon trolling around the islands, enjoying the sun, and checking out all of the cottages.  It actually reminded me a lot of the Thousand Islands, a place my family has vacationed many times. 

Yesterday we went on  tourist trip that Susana arranged for us.  We took a 1 hour bus ride from downtown Buenos Aires out to the Pampas (the plains, countryside) for Gaucho (cowboy) themed day.  We arrived at a ranch-like place where the guys were all dressed up like Gauchos.  I went for a horse drawn carriage ride, relaxed in the shade, and had some fun taking pictures.  There was a great lunch (beef, obviously) complete with entertainment (dancing, singing, horse show extravaganza). 

A few other things of note:
- I am officially overdue for a dental cleaning for the first time in my life.
- I'm still growing my hair and it's still short.
-In an effort to curb our meat eating we introduced the family to broccoli.   They literally were unable to identify what it was when we brought it home, but upon tasting it all seemed to think it was 'ok'.

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