Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Inter-American Rock Paper Scissors Championship

Jonathan is a self-proclaimed rock paper scissors master.  His love affair with the game began 3 years ago when he went to Italy with our friend Chris, though undoubtedly he has always had some natural talent.  It just wasn't fully refined until then.  The two of them played an intense best of 100 rock paper scissors match in the streets of Venice.  The stakes?  Wearing an adult diaper for a day.  Jonathan won, though I believe Chris is yet to put on that diaper :).  But regardless, since then Jon has proclaimed himself as an ultimate champion and obviously, what better way to show off your skill than to represent your country in the first ever Inter-American Rock Paper Scissors Championship.

During our stay in Buenos Aires, we spent a lot of time with our cousin Sebastian (how we love him and miss him so :).  During this time we told a few untruths by Sebastian:

1. That South America and North America are not two separate continents, but rather one continent, called America (insert joke about them wanting to be us here :)
2. That Sebastian is good at rock and paper scissors
3. That women from Argentina are more attractive than women from Spain

Sebastian and Jonathan played rock paper scissors everywhere we went - in the bus, in the train, in the streets, etc and one night, after a few drinks, we decided to have the first ever Inter-American Rock Paper Scissors Championship.  Best of 100 (each point is best of 3 throws).  The stakes?  The Panama Canal.  Also, if Sebastian lost he had to hit on every person we told him to the next time we went out to a bar in the city.  If Jonathan lost, he had to listen to Jefferson Airplane's "We Built This City" 50 times on loop. 

Here are a few action shots:

Generally, Sebastian did pretty poorly throughout the entire competition, though he did have a few shining moments.  Sebastian refused to participate in an interview, but here is Jonathan's:  Jonathan's Interview

Here is a video of the last few throws:Championship

Congratulations Jonathan on your victory!!  

PS.  It should be noted that Sebastian is amazing at ping pong and killed the both of us.  

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