Thursday, May 5, 2011

Back in Spain: An Update

Jonathan and I arrived back in Spain on April 20th and will be here until August 1st.  In Buenos Aires we finally heard from all of the film schools that Jonathan applied to.  He applied to 6 MFA programs, 2 in NY (NYU and Columbia) and 4 in LA (UCLA, USC, AFI, and CalArts).  Unfortunately, we have heard no from all of them :(.  We were really disappointed to get this news :(.  Though we knew that there was a strong possibility that we may be rejected from all of the schools (some of them have about a 2% acceptance rate), I guess we just weren't emotionally prepared for it and in my head I began to think about the future as though Jonathan was accepted.  It was difficult to be in Buenos Aires and to also be handling this disappointment.  To have to go out, meet new family, and continue like normal was hard.  When Jonathan is upset about something, he prefers cope with stuff like that by himself.  So for some of the time in Buenos Aires, despite being constantly surround by family and still physically always being with Jonathan, there was this strong experience of isolation for me.  Not being able to feel close to Jonathan is obviously difficult, but at the same time not being able to fully express myself to the family there (both my actual ability to express my feelings well in Spanish and my ability to be frank and honest with most of the family, whom I we had just met for the first time) was trying as well.  Also, there was also this desire not to talk to a lot of people (friends and family from back home) about what was going on until we finally heard from all of the schools.  We weren't really interested in having people ask about it all the's like not telling people you were going to take your road test in high school until after you already passed it :).  You also don't want to call your parents from Argentina, crying (when traveling, it is best not to worry the rents).  But this is why I really can't say enough about Nora, Jorge, Santiago, and Sebastian, the family we stayed with for the majority of time in Argentina.  In a time where we were struggling a lot, they made us feel so comfortable and so loved and we will certainly never forget all of their kindness.

So anyways, Jonathan was invited by USC to reapply for admission for the Spring 2012 semester with his same materials.  Unfortunately, we wont hear from them until November (they're definitely fucking with us).  Sp we fly into JFK on August 1st.  From there we plan on spending a few days in Westchester and then head to Gettysburg for Corey and Linsdey's wedding!!  :)  And then from there we will spend some time in Buffalo.  We are currently planning on relocating in New York upon returning to the US.  In a month or two we will start our job search with the hope of starting sometime around September 1st.  I am aiming to take my NYS social work licensure exam sometime in August upon returning.  With regard to our living situation, we will be staying with Jonathan's family in Westchester until we both have jobs.  We are not interested in signing a lease until we are both fully employed (unless one of us finds the most amazing job ever).  Once we both get jobs we can sit down and decide whether we should wait until we hear from USC (located in LA) to find an apartment or whether we should move forward with moving into an apartment and if we hear good news from USC in November then we'll just figure things out.  I'm not really interested in living with Jon's family for 4 months (no offense guys, I do love you, but I just like to have my ow space), while at the same time breaking a lease sucks.  It's all rather hypothetical at this point, so once we get back we can make some decisions with regard to living situation. PS.  Anyone want to hire us???? :)

We're both really excited to move forward and relocate to New York and to be close to a lot of our friends and family.  But until then, we've got 3 months left here in Spain.  We've got a bunch of friends and family coming to visit us here this summer and we're really excited to show everyone around and just generally live it up. 

1 comment:

  1. Em- very nice and honest blog today. I am glad you will be back soon and hopefully we can all get together soon after you are back. Things always work out in the end. Thinking of you...
