Saturday, March 12, 2011


We went to Morón, another suburb of Buenos Aires to visit Jonathan's grandma's brother, Juan and his family (Jonathan's mother's first cousins and their kids).  We had a really nice visit with them.
Here is Jonathan with Juan and his wife Isabel.  Jonathan said it was so weird to watch Juan.  He has the same mannerisms and face as his grandmother (Juan is the only sibling of his grandmother that he has ever met and is still living).  
And here's a picture of all of the family in Morón.  Juan and his wife Isabel, their son's Alberto and Alejandro, and Alberto's family.

Our first whole day there they did Asado (basically BBQ, but usually implies beef).  It was funny, actually, the day before we left Nora asked us what we thought we were going to eat there and I said "Asado, of course.  Is there really another option?" haha.  It's interesting actually, Buenos Aires has a huge history of immigration from Galicia, Italy, and Israel specifically (they say that Buenos Aires has the largest population of Jews in the world outside of NY and Israel.  Why bagels aren't abundant I still don't know).  When you go to a restaurant it is pretty commonplace to expect homemade pastas, which is pretty spectacular.  But why there isn't more diversity, why people (if they can afford it) eat beef at every meal I don't really know.  This assimilation is really interesting to me.  But anyways, we had Asado at Juan's house.  We had beef, chicken, lamb, and pork.  It was pretty meatalicious. Alberto was the Asador.

After lunch Briscas (Gallego card game):

Juan and Isabel had a dog, whose name was "poopie".  Isabel was devastated when we told her what poopie means in English. haha.  But Jonathan, a self reported hater of dogs, actually liked poopie.  I had to record this momentous moment in history.  

After we also went for a walk around town and went and got a drink with Alejandro (who we'd like to visit in Neuquen soon).  Our second day there we went over to Alberto's house for lunch.  They made homemade pasta with brussel sprouts (so amped for the veggies).  It was also really nice to spend time with Nadia and Andrea, Alberto's daughters. 

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