Sunday, May 15, 2011


In order for me to be able to live in Spain for a year, I had to declare residency (they only give tourists a 3 month visa).  Declaring residency involved an absurd amount of gathering paperwork, taking a number, waiting, being told that I don't have the right paperwork or being told a new list of things to bring, taking another number, waiting some more, and so it goes on.  Needless to say it took me several months for us to get everything in order with the Spanish government.  Once I had FINALLY completed everything, I got this sweet residency card.  You can take a look at it here.  When we went to Argentina this past February I had already been in Spin for 7 months, well beyond the 3 month tourist visa limit.  In going through customs to leave Spain I was super amped to show them my sweet residency card and to somehow for myself validate that it was all worth while.  I went through.  They stamped my passport and said nothing. I though about saying, "don't you want to see my residency card????" but opted against engaging any more than necessary with the police in fear of inciting some sort of international incident.  So somehow, I'm not sure how, but I was able to get over this immense disappointment while in Argentina.  :)  So in going through customs again this April to reenter Spain I just went through as normal, assuming they could care less who is entering and who isn't.  But little did I know they actually care!!! (I credit this to the recent revolutions in the middle east and the large influx of immigrants to Spain).  But anyways....I go through customs and the guy asks me "how long are you going to be in Spain" and I say "until August".  And then he just kind of looks at me.  I, shocked he actually cares, said "Oh!  But I've got Spanish residency!!!".  Before he can even ask me, I gleefully whip out my ID card!!!  He looks at it, and then tells me that I don't have to stand in the foreigners line, and that, because I am a resident (aka VIP/awesome), that I can stand in the SPANIARD line!! Woo hoo!!!!

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