Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So generally Jon goes to bed an hour or two after me (I need my beauty rest :).  The other morning I woke up and Jon says to me "oh man, after you went to bed last night, I killed this huge cockroach.  I left it on the bathroom floor".  Annoyed, I went in to the bathroom to clean up the dead cockroach that Jon had left the night before.  Instead of finding the cockroach, I find a single, solitary cockroach leg.  Jonathan!  You idiot!  You didn't kill it!!  So I spent the entire day freaked out, feeling like there were cockroaches crawling all over me.  Later that evening, I spot a cockroach.  It's big.  It's gross.   I get up onto a chair and call Jonathan to come out of the shower and kill it.  He tells me to kill it.  I tell him no, and tell him that I am going to stay up on this chair to watch it to make sure that it doesn't escape while he dries off and puts clothes on (I did have to yell at Jonathan for taking the time to apply deodorant).  Jonathan finally emerges from the bedroom with Off bug spray in hand.  "What the hell are you going to do with that!?"  After explaining that Off will not kill a cockroach and that he needs to stomp the shit out of it, Jonathan killed the cockroach.  And boy did he kill it.  I then got off my chair and took a picture to remember this glorious moment.  But the best part is, upon reviewing my picture, I notice that it's missing a leg!!  Yes!!  There is not a cockroach on the run (at least as far as I know)!!

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