Monday, April 18, 2011

My Birthday!!

My favorite annual holiday is my birthday.  As Jonathan will tell you, I begin thinking about it and reminding everyone that it's coming a few months in advance :).  So I decided that this year, as I was spending my birthday in Argentina, I wanted to do it up, Argentina style.  I gave Jonathan the reins and told him that I wanted him to plan it all for me. 

So that day I slept in and hung out all day with Jonathan.  I also spent time calling my family (it's weird to have to call people so that they can wish you a happy birthday) and talking to them.  It was nice to talk to them because on my birthday, as with all important days, I miss them more.  At some point during the afternoon Nora and Jorge came back to wish me a happy birthday and give me a little gift (some earings and a bracelet with this pretty, Indian themed which Sebastian stated, "you know that we killed all of those people, right" haha).  But in that moment, with Nora and Jorge, I felt very emotional and started to cry.  It was this wonderful mix of missing my family and thinking about how incredible all of the family here in Argentina, but them specifically, have been to us.  Nora gave me a big hug and in a half sobbing kind of way (in the same gracious style that I said my wedding vows) I say in Spanish "you guys are so nice to me". haha.  We've started saying goodbye to all of the family here, as we go back to Spain tomorrow, and I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to say goodbye to Nora and Jorge.  Words can't express the generosity and love they have shown us. 

But anyways, Jonathan and I went out that afternoon to pick out a cake.  We also stopped at a party store to pick out some candles (I picked some gorgeous, glittery pink candles :).  Later that night we had, as I'm sure you could guess, beef and wine (Jonathan and I picked out some nice bottles of wine the day prior to try two wineries that we didn't have the time to visit on our trip to Mendoza, Monteviejo and Catena Zapata - Awesome wine).  Jonathan also cooked me broccoli :).  They decorated the kitchen with balloons and streamers as a surprise.  I saw Sebastian spraying perfume in the kitchen and as I started making a joke about how he was smelly or dirty or something like that (I know, very elegant, eh?) I entered the kitchen and saw how awesome it was all decorated.  What a great surprise!!!  They even bought me a crown :)  The night was really awesome, we ate, drank, and enjoyed each others company.  Jonathan even let me watch movies in bed (he likes to enforce a strict no TV in bed policy, which I agree with in theory...but there's something so cozy about watching movies in bed). 

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